Home / News / Random: Xbox Has Got Us Craving Fries With This McDonald's Series X

Random: Xbox Has Got Us Craving Fries With This McDonald's Series X

Aug 15, 2023Aug 15, 2023

Want fries with that?

Enough of the serious speak around Xbox's latest acquisition, who forgot about McDonald's? The fast food giant innocuously posted on Twitter about fry stealing, and Xbox decided to get in on the thread.

That led to a funny interaction between McDonald's and Xbox, with both social media accounts creating mock-up images. Xbox's McDonald's Series X looks brilliant, imagine that thing producing its own fries? Count us in.

This isn't the first time we've seen the Xbox and fast food worlds collide. Shortly after the Xbox Series X launched, KFC decided to take a stab at its own console.

The KFConsole, which looked like an air fryer of sorts, was worked on in tandem with Cooler Master. The 'console' featured "the world's first built in chicken chamber", and it even borrowed from Xbox's "Power Your Dreams" slogan, with "Power Your Hunger".

We've got to admit, we'd love an Xbox Series X that doubles up as a fry stand. That's built in gaming snacks!

Who wins the console war, McDonald's or KFC?
