Home / Blog / Spearfishing in 2023? It’s a Thing. A Beginner’s Guide to the Surprisingly Sustainable Sport.

Spearfishing in 2023? It’s a Thing. A Beginner’s Guide to the Surprisingly Sustainable Sport.

Oct 06, 2023Oct 06, 2023


(3 min)

HOLDING YOUR BREATH and lying on the ocean floor with a 6-foot-long carbon-steel spear isn't a normal way to grab a meal. But the act of hunting fish underwater, aka spearfishing, has gained fans among sustainability-minded pescatarians like me. These self-described "spearos" also equip themselves with wetsuits, snorkeling gear and tools to handle emergencies. To make a shot, they loop the long rubber band attached to the spear's back on their hand, then reach for a point closer to the spear's tip. They wait patiently for the right fish to swim within range, aim the sharp tip toward the base of the fish's spine, then let the spear fly. Dinner is served.

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